Matt Conigliaro on Terri Schiavo

Matt Conigliaro on Terri Schiavo. For those who are interested in a reasonable attempt to look at the reality of the Terri Schiavo case, Matt Conigliaro has an amazingly detailed information page, including a list of questions and answers that demonstrates how reductionist the media coverage (and Congressional “inquiry”) has become. Conigliaro is an appellate… Continue reading Matt Conigliaro on
Terri Schiavo

Categorized as News

Open Source Saturday

Open Source Saturday. Dave Winer today tells a story about seeing someone floating by his beach house window who waved at Dave. I had a, um, geekier experience. I walked into Peet's coffee in Petaluma. There a really tall guy kept staring at me like he was trying to figure out who I was. I… Continue reading Open Source Saturday

Serverless Laszlo is here

Serverless Laszlo is here. LPS 3.0b2 is now available for download from OpenLaszlo. The big feature that's new in this beta is the ability to deploy Laszlo applications without the presentation server. That means that from this point forward, if your Laszlo app does not require a set of specific features (including SOAP, Java RPC,… Continue reading Serverless Laszlo is here

Course on Personal Information Strategies

Course on Personal Information Strategies. Oliver Wrede is looking at using Tinderbox in a course on personal information management strategies. Interesting. He describes his vision of “an introductory course that could prepare students to have a better grip at project management, conceptual brainstorming and knowledge work. I wonder if anybody has heard of such a… Continue reading Course on Personal Information Strategies

The Developer Code

The Developer Code.  Here are two very good interviews with leaders of small development companies. The Building of Basecamp O'Reilly interviews Jason Fried, who you are surely way too familiar with at this point. There is a lot of valuable information here, and some unique perspectives that challenge conventional wisdom. On why they built Basecamp:… Continue reading The Developer Code

Better attorney photos for your law firm website

Better attorney photos for your law firm website. There's nothing worse than a law firm website that has lame photos.  Well, actually firm websites that completely lack attorney photos are pretty bad, and amazingly not all that rare.  Anyway, I mention this topic because a friend of mine in Seattle is a photographer who specializes… Continue reading Better attorney photos for your law firm website

Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets

Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets. Ever been interested in how botnets work? The Honey Project has released an interesting paper entitled Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets. In the research, they discuss the tools, tactics, and motives of attackers who run botnets. A botnet is a network of compromised machines that can be remotely controlled by… Continue reading Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets