Off to visit family in Ohio for the weekend . . .
Month: September 2003
U.S. Government Manual 2003-2004
U.S. Government Manual 2003-2004. GPO provides access to The U.S. Government Manual 2003-2004 via either a key word search or through a browse feature (choose between viewing content in text of pdf), to access data organized into the following topics: Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, Executive Branch, Executive Agencies, Independent Establishments and Gov't Corporations, Quasi-Official Agencies,… Continue reading U.S. Government Manual 2003-2004
Annual Best Law Office Website Contest
Annual Best Law Office Website Contest. Law Office Computing magazine announced the winners of the competition for the best websites, large and small firms. Thanks to Amy Campbell, I Want My BlogTV, for posting the information, which is as follows: Winner, large firm: Jones Day Winner, small firm: Zupkus & Angell [beSpacific]
points us
John Dowell, weblogger for Macromedia, points us to Lynda Weinman's videos. Very cool idea! [The Scobleizer Weblog]
Salary Survey results
Salary Survey results. The HFI Salary Survey, which I mentioned here a while ago, has released its results. The quick info for US respondents: Commercial: $82,600 (179 respondents) Government & Nonprofit: $59,700 (23 respondents) With the US respondents working in the commercial sector of the economy, three factors appear to influence compensation: experience in the… Continue reading Salary Survey results
CIO Australia: One law firm gets it right
CIO Australia: One law firm gets it right. CIO Australia published today a profile of InterAction customer Brown McCarroll, a Texas law firm that recently implemented InterAction. There are a number of excellent ideas for being creative in rolling out your CRM system. Next time someone tries to tell you professionals wont adopt CRM, point… Continue reading CIO Australia: One law firm gets it right
Poverty Rate Rises for second consecutive Year in U.S.
Poverty Rate Rises for second consecutive Year in U.S.. Fresh on the heals of Bushs dismal showing in the latest polls, comes word that the number of Americans living at or under the Poverty Line has risen markedly for the second straight year, due to plummeting pay rates, and a dismal job outlook. According to the… Continue reading Poverty Rate Rises for second consecutive Year in U.S.
Secure Remote Access for Outlook Article
Secure Remote Access for Outlook Article. Thomas Shinder has recently published the following article over at Providing Secure Remote Access for the Full Outlook MAPI Client using the Exchange RPC Filter Summary: You can allow remote Outlook 2000/2002/2003 clients to connect to your Exchange Server and take advantage of the full functionality provided by… Continue reading Secure Remote Access for Outlook Article
Critics Attack Microsoft Over Security
Critics Attack Microsoft Over Security. A group of computer security experts asserted on Wednesday that Windows is a threat to national security because of its complex design and monopoly reach. By Steve Lohr. [New York Times: Technology]
DIY wireless home media server
DIY wireless home media server. Extreme Tech has an excellent guide to building your very own wireless home media server, including tips on how to optimize streaming so that you don't have to deal with watching herky-jerky video clips, and which digital video recording software to try (they recommend SnapStream Personal Video Station 3.0). …… Continue reading DIY wireless home media server