Commonplace book

Commonplace book. Web journals serve the same function as the old commonplace book [Mark Bernstein]

New spec aimed at tripling cable capacity

New spec aimed at tripling cable capacity Cable modems could have triple the upstream capacity by the end of 2002, enabling videoconferencing and peer-to-peer applications over cable connections. CableLabs, a consortium of cable operators from North America and South America, has completed the specification for DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) 2.0. The specification… Continue reading New spec aimed at tripling cable capacity

Asking fundamental questions

David P. Reed: Asking fundamental questions. If technology improves, the regulations become unnecessarily strict. When we make better radio systems, the old ones become obsolescent, and wasteful. We could improve the entire system by junking the old stuff, and replacing it all with functionally compatible systems, based on new insights and design. [Tomalak's Realm]

Searchin' for the Surfer's Saint

Searchin' for the Surfer's Saint. News that the Pope regards the Internet as a 'wonderful instrument' may revive interest in the Catholic Church's search for the medium's patron saint. By Noah Shachtman. [Wired News]

Turning Macs on Thievery

Turning Macs on Thievery. Stolen computers are notoriously difficult to recover. But a Houston man cleverly found his sister's stolen iMac using remote control software, friends on the Net, luck and brains. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]

Knowledge Workers and K-Logs

This is another post to K-Logs

Knowledge Workers and K-Logs This is another post to K-Logs.  If you like this content, you are more than welcome to subscribe. When I worked at Forrester (a top technology research company), the CEO George Colony used to say (paraphrased), “in a sense our business is a like a mill.  We grind raw grain into flour.   It is my… Continue reading

Knowledge Workers and K-Logs

This is another post to K-Logs

New Radio 8 feature

New Radio 8 feature. Now you can post to categories without posting to the home page. If you have categories enabled, there's a new checkbox, the first one, called Home Page (it effectively becomes a category). By default it's checked. Now you can easily publish multiple weblogs, going to lots of different locations, from one… Continue reading New Radio 8 feature

The ghosts of “Gosford Park”

The ghosts of “Gosford Park”. Robert Altman doesn't just enliven the corpse of the manor-house murder mystery — he reunites it with its vital literary forebears. []