Putting things on “pause”….. What are your “pause buttons”? I was on stage with Beverly Kaye this morning in Phoenix, and she mentioned a wonderful little trick that we all do, but probably not enough. She said, “What do you do to put the pause button on, so you can just stop and reflect about… Continue reading Putting things on “pause”….
Month: April 2004
O'Malley writes an apology to women
O'Malley writes an apology to women. Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley apologized yesterday for upsetting women with his decision not to wash the feet of women on Holy Thursday and for his inclusion of feminism in a list of societal ills in a homily. [Boston Globe — Front Page]
Instant Messaging a corporate tool?
Instant Messaging a corporate tool?. From the Smart Mobs weblog comes word about the popularity of Instant Messaging, or IM, as it is usually called. I don't use IM all that much. But I do use it to contact my daughters, who use it constantly. In fact, if they are upstairs in their room… Continue reading Instant Messaging a corporate tool?
Realistic Argument for Broadband Access
Realistic Argument for Broadband Access. While many communities around the country vaguely hope that wireless networks will bring business to town, this Indiana town has some very real reasons for wanting broadband: Scottsburg, Ind. couldn't get any kind of broadband access from the incumbents so it spent $350,000 to build a wireless broadband network. The… Continue reading Realistic Argument for Broadband Access
Free Mall Wi-Fi on the Rise
Free Mall Wi-Fi on the Rise. Taubman Centers, major mall operator, adds free Wi-Fi to Virginia mall; sign of things to come: The reporter did his homework, and this isn't a unique installation. We know from this article that there are 1,130 malls in the U.S. with only a tiny fraction having Wi-Fi. (Two are… Continue reading Free Mall Wi-Fi on the Rise
Dishing Song's In-Flight DISH Network
Dishing Song's In-Flight DISH Network. Gizmodo reader Aaron Feibus shares his experiences with Song's in-flight TV system: I took a red-eye flight from LA to Orlando last night on Song on a Boeing 757. Although I'd flown them before, this was the first time they had their long-promised TV system installed in the seats. The… Continue reading Dishing Song's In-Flight DISH Network
Tinderbox weekend update
Tinderbox weekend update. Registration for Tinderbox Weekend has been open for about two days, and we're already getting close to capacity. (If necessary, we've got some ideas for getting extra space) Some people have written to lament conflicts. Yes, if you're getting married or your kids are graduating that weekend, we understand. Another time. But,… Continue reading Tinderbox weekend update
KM & competitive advantage
KM & competitive advantage. There are some well-recognized KM strategies which can be applied to gain or leverage competitive advantage. Which one you choose, depends on your firm's competencies, the market niche, competitors and finding an internal champion. Here are some examples … [Knowledge-at-work]
Bush Shredding Constitution
Bush Shredding Constitution. The Bush administration's lawyers are currently arguing before the Supreme Court their right to seize and detain any American citizen they see as a threat to the United States. President Bush's lawyers are claiming that he has the right to authorize “indefinite executive detention” without oversight by Congress or the Judiciary. President… Continue reading Bush Shredding Constitution
Seth Godin: If It's Urgent, Ignore It
Seth Godin: If It's Urgent, Ignore It. Smart organizations ignore the urgent and focus on the important. [Fast Company]