Campaign Sites Lack Security

Campaign Sites Lack Security. The official websites of the Bush and Kerry campaigns have several security holes — some small, some big. The result could be fake news stories or doctored photos, even directives to vote for the other guy. By Michelle Delio. [Wired News]

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Shareware Business Blunders

Shareware Business Blunders. NetCaptor's Adam Stiles just announced his new eBook, Shareware Business Blunders…and How to Avoid Them. Adam contacted 38 shareware authors – including myself – and asked them to talk about their mistakes, then compiled their answers into a 124-page PDF eBook. If you're a shareware author or you're interested in becoming one,… Continue reading Shareware Business Blunders

It Ain't Over…

It Ain't Over…. Here's a fun little article from the Christian Science Monitor on the context of the early handover in Iraq today. If you think it's all over, think again. We still have a ton of troops over there, and by most estimates we will have a military presence for 5+ years. Yesterday's Doonesbury… Continue reading It Ain't Over…

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Another Supreme Court Decision

Another Supreme Court Decision. It's been quite a week for the Supreme Court. Here is one of their decisions today, Hamdi vs. Rumsfeld, dealing with whether someone that the Executive Branch declares to be an “enemy combatant” is entitled to a writ of habeas corpus and access to U.S. courts. Once again, the media didn't… Continue reading Another Supreme Court Decision

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The Coleman Interview

The Coleman Interview. Much being written and in the blogosphere about an Irish reporter, Carol Coleman, interviewing George W. Bush last week. The White House said she was rude and disrespectful. Others have said that Bush was caught off-guard by a real reporter who pressed him, in constrast to the White House press corps. I… Continue reading The Coleman Interview

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Apple: “Rendezvous is now available on Windows 2000 and XP.” [Scripting News]

Virtual Auto Mechanic Library Helps Consumers Avoid Auto Repair RipOffs

Virtual Auto Mechanic Library Helps Consumers Avoid Auto Repair RipOffs “If you've ever been ripped off by an auto repair shop, you'll want to check this out and pass it along to patrons… 'Having been taken to the cleaners to the tune of $2,300 by disreputable auto repair shops, Mike Smith of West Fargo, ND… Continue reading Virtual Auto Mechanic Library Helps Consumers Avoid Auto Repair RipOffs

Have It Your Way

Have It Your Way. Great job for somebody “In another time and place, this would have been my dream job.” [ Daily] I can see why, as LJ World does some a-mazing stuff online (check out the Little League Cell Phone Updates!). But check out the customize link next to the XML button on Adrian Holovaty's site.… Continue reading Have It Your Way