iCommit: PHP app for doing GTD

iCommit: PHP app for doing GTD. Getting Things Done [iCommit.eu] Rainer Bernhardt has put together a nifty little PHP app for doing GTD via a web interface. It lets you wrangle projects, next actions, calendar items, ad hoc lists, and all the other tactical building blocks of GTD all via your (non-IE) browser. The interface… Continue reading iCommit: PHP app for doing GTD

Discovering a world of resources

Discovering a world of resources. Over the past couple of months, my interest in HTTP, resources, and the effects of a CRUD-constrained approach to controllers have lead to a profound simplification in how I develop Rails applications. I've been putting all of these thoughts to use in my work on Sunrise, the next application from… Continue reading Discovering a world of resources

WinFS is Dead

WinFS is Dead. Quentin Clark delivered the news, wrapped in flowery non-sense. Frankly, I don't understand why they insisted on doing it the hard way, raising an entire building to add a new floor.   [Don Park's Daily Habit]


FactCheck.org. Check out FactCheck.org (and add it to any politics/elections resources lists you have). I have heard reference to this site before, but this is the first time I've actually used it–and I'm impressed. Devoted to actually checking all the facts that politicians spout off in their speeches and addresses, it's pathetic how many mistakes… Continue reading FactCheck.org

FileChucker: AJAX File Uploader

FileChucker: AJAX File Uploader. “The best way to accept file uploads on your website!” [xBlog: The visual thinking weblog | XPLANE]

Cubicle Culture: How brainstorming works best

Cubicle Culture: How brainstorming works best. “‘If you leave groups to their own devices, they’re going to do a very miserable job,’ says Prof. Paulus. But if people brainstorm alone after the group brainstorming session, it can be productive, he says, adding, ‘It’s ironic: You tap the benefits of groups alone. Everyone still presumes the… Continue reading Cubicle Culture: How brainstorming works best

Jolt Award: Considering Dynamic Categorization via Tagging

Jolt Award: Considering Dynamic Categorization via Tagging. The Jolt Awards are the major industry award for software development tools (compilers, libraries, etc.). One problem we face every year is proper classification of tools. Traditionally, we try to refine / fine tune the previous year's categories (Development Environments; Libraries, Frameworks, and Components; etc.). Problems arise frequently… Continue reading Jolt Award: Considering Dynamic Categorization via Tagging

Garden Point Ruby.NET: True Compiler Available for Download

Garden Point Ruby.NET: True Compiler Available for Download. “[Wayne Kelly is] pleased to announce the preliminary Beta release of the Gardens Point Ruby.NET compiler. Note: this is not just a Ruby/.NET bridge, nor a Ruby Interpreter implemented on .NET, but a true .NET compiler. The compiler can be used to statically compile a Ruby source… Continue reading Garden Point Ruby.NET: True Compiler Available for Download

Yet Another Risk for BigLaw?

Yet Another Risk for BigLaw?. BigLaw manages risks of all kinds. Records retention and discovery are the new biggies, but let’s not forget conflicts and insider trading, among others. Now, firms can consider a new risk. Common Spreadsheet Errors Can Be Found With More Testing, Some Double-Checking (6/13/05) in the Wall Street Journal reports that… Continue reading Yet Another Risk for BigLaw?