Shipley takes a look at OnFolio

Shipley takes a look at OnFolio.  Chris Shipley runs the Demo conference. She also runs a pretty interesting weblog. Today she reviewed OnFolio. Some interesting conversations have been happening in my comment area. I love new software.  [Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

Dept. Of Homeland Security Chooses Groove, P2P

Slashdot | Dept. Of Homeland Security Chooses Groove, P2P. Ryan Barrett writes “Groove Networks has announced that their P2P infrastructure will power the Homeland Security Information Network, an initiative to increase information sharing between federal, state, and local intelligence agencies. (The initiative doesn't give the govt. more information, it just helps agencies better share the… Continue reading Dept. Of Homeland Security Chooses Groove, P2P

John Seybold dies at 88

John Seybold dies at 88. The New York Times reported this morning that John Seybold, the computerized typesetting pioneer, died this past Sunday. He was a very important figure in the world of using text on computers. He was “the” consultant for years, and even now his children, Andrew, Jonathan, and Patricia, continue to be… Continue reading John Seybold dies at 88

Port Reporter

Port Reporter. Yesterday, Microsoft released the nifty “Port Reporter” utility (here). The doohickey tracks and logs traffic on TCP and UDP ports. The tool isn't fancy, but potentially useful, considering recent worms like MyDoom open up ports to listen for hacking programs…. [Microsoft Monitor]

Government put troops at risk, says report

Government put troops at risk, says report. A damning report into the government's handling of the war in Iraq reveals that a more capable enemy could have exposed serious weaknesses in the state of Britain's armed forces and blames political meddling for undermining the military's ability to do its job.  [The Scotsman]

Britain on alert following Madrid bombing

Britain on alert following Madrid bombing. Undercover anti-terrorist officers have been patrolling Scotland's rail network for the past year, The Scotsman has learned. [The Scotsman]

37Signals boys have been busy – Book and new project management application

37Signals boys have been busy – Book and new project management application. This is old, but news to me: 37Signals has released their book Defensive Design for the Web. Congratulations! While “contingency design” might be more accurate, the tie in to defensive driving will help communicate the topic to non-UX geeks. On another 37Signals note,… Continue reading 37Signals boys have been busy – Book and new project management application