Phone Companies See Their Future in Flat-Rate Plans

Phone Companies See Their Future in Flat-Rate Plans. Every telephone call in the world may soon become a local call, thanks to increasing competition and technological advances. By Nicholas Thompson. [New York Times: Technology]

Song Airlines getting ready to fly out of Tampa

Song Airlines getting ready to fly out of Tampa.  Song Airlines is beginning flights from Tampa to New York and Boston. The airline features video games, satellite television, digital audio and what it calls fun flight attendants.  [10 News via Moreover]

Article: Advantages of Blogs for Legal Marketing

Article: Advantages of Blogs for Legal Marketing. I'm pleased to have gotten great feedback on my LLRX article explaining the advantages of using blogs for law firm marketing. I thought it was important to write an article like this, because many of the most important blog advantages are not apparent at all to casual observers and require… Continue reading Article: Advantages of Blogs for Legal Marketing

Here come the tribes

Here come the tribes. Teen Tribes. Interesting stuff … and quite global in its depictions.  Check out the descriptions for each … you just might start understanding your neighbour's child better ….            Tribal Alliances. When Teenage Tribes Attack Which tribe do you (or your kids) belong to? As a new… Continue reading Here come the tribes

WebOutliner in Vienna

WebOutliner in Vienna. WebOutliner and Other New Tools. Marc Barrot is demonstrating the extraordinary WebOutliner at the BlogTalk conference. It's one of several new tools in a BOF session, and they're worth a posting all their own. The potential for this thing is significant, even if outlining is not a native notion to most folks.… Continue reading WebOutliner in Vienna


Introducing WWWW. In the last weeks I've been posting here and there about topics, aggregators, K-collector and other assorted stuff. Maybe it's the case to recap and try to explain a little bit better what we are up to. Here we go [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog] [Curiouser and curiouser!] More treats for the sweet. I… Continue reading Untitled

UK Might See Wi-Fi on Trains

UK Might See Wi-Fi on Trains. UK train passengers show interest, revenue probably there: But governmental contracts for train operators that require renewal and many competing interests might prevent the companies from building their own or outside firms from going through all the hoops. Sounds like the airport market as well. Also, some technical issues… Continue reading UK Might See Wi-Fi on Trains