Office 12 is not typical marketing hype.

Office 12 is not typical marketing hype.. By now, anyone who writes software for a living has heard that Microsoft Office 12 will be the 12th wonder of the world, a must upgrade, marketing blah blah blah blah blah (fading into the background noise of information we all dismiss). Big mistake, especially if you are a Windows desktop-centric micro-ISV. Here's why if you plan to have a thriving Windows software company in 18 months of any size, you had better start allocating time to get with the Microsoft interface program. Microsoft is betting the future of its crown jewels – Word and Excel – on this new radical user interface. Does anyone here in their right mind think Microsoft would do this without knowing damn well users are going to clamor for upgrades once they get a taste of it? The new interface is as different a way of working on a PC as having a mouse… []

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