In Search of Athena: Freshfields revamps KM in pursuit of more wisdom

In Search of Athena: Freshfields revamps KM in pursuit of more wisdom.

Freshfields has been busily reworking their KM system to make their “know-how” more accessible, a process discussed in the recent Law Technology News article, In Search of Athena.

Of particular interest to me was the description of the search interface. We know that users crave a simple Google-like search box, but sometimes need the more precise advanced search, and Freshfields Athena offers both. It also includes a “results basket”, similar to a shopping basket, where you can save useful documents for later review. That's a feature that hadn't occurred to me!

But it was their training strategy for Athena that I thought was especially unique. They felt sure that Athena would require little formal training, so rather than offering training programs, a lawyer in each of 40 practice groups was assigned responsibility for finding a real-life, practice-specific example of how the system could work well for their group. What a great idea!  [LawLibTech]

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