URBAN TAKEDOWNS. A rapid increase in urbanization and the proliferation of megacities are salient trends of global economic development since WW2. These trends will be exploited in this war. Cities are both the center of gravity of modern urban economies and extremely vulnerable to global guerrilla systems sabotage — the leveraged infrastructure that cities rely… Continue reading URBAN TAKEDOWNS
Month: April 2005
Tireless thinker who offered world's masses love and hope
Tireless thinker who offered world's masses love and hope. EACH morning, when his health allowed him, Pope John Paul II would wake to watch the dawn. “I like to watch the sun rise,” he told friends. This week, as night prepared to envelop him and his 26-year pontificate, it was worth recalling that he saw… Continue reading Tireless thinker who offered world's masses love and hope
PRIMARY LOYALTIES. Global guerrillas are in the final stages of the systematic elimination of the all-volunteer Iraqi security system (which started in earnest with the siege of Fallujah). As anticipated (particularly given John Negroponte's appointment), the interim government's response has been to delegate power to loyalist paramilitaries. For example: Kurdish paramilitaries are now responsible for… Continue reading PRIMARY LOYALTIES
Xamlon. OK – so here's another scripting dev language called Xamlon that's designed for RIAs (rich internet apps.) This one has it's own unique twist – it uses Microsoft upcoming XAML system -f or generating the UI – but since there's no such thing as Avalon or Longhorn yet – this package outputs into .swf… Continue reading Xamlon
Getting Real: Pick two – scope, timeframe, or budget
Getting Real: Pick two – scope, timeframe, or budget. A lot of people have been asking me about how to make our Getting Real process work with client work. Here are some tips some of which may be uncomfortable. This pick-two process also applies to your own internal development. First, you have to hire… Continue reading Getting Real: Pick two – scope, timeframe, or budget
March 30, 2005
March 30, 2005. To make FogBugz work on Unix as well as Windows, we needed a PHP version. Rather than do a one-time port, we built a compiler that automatically generates a PHP version from the ASP source code. Read all about it in today's part III of The Road to FogBugz 4.0. . [Joel… Continue reading March 30, 2005
RIM Quadband Blackberries Not Good for “Low” Coverage Areas
RIM Quadband Blackberries Not Good for “Low” Coverage Areas. Well, if you are in a marginal or low coverage area for your GPRS carrier like T-Mobile, I highly suggest that you not get one of the newer quad-band phones… [Alex Scoble's IT Notes]