Today's Schiavo take

Today's Schiavo take. Two quick morning observations about the continuing Terri Schiavo abomination: First, it's at least a little heartening to me to see that this afternoon's Federal court hearing is before James D. Whittemore, a Clinton appointee and someone who's expressed an understanding of the difference between state and federal powers. We'll see how… Continue reading Today's Schiavo take

Categorized as News

Ask Jeeves Inc. to Be Bought for $2 Billion

Ask Jeeves Inc. to Be Bought for $2 Billion. IAC/InterActiveCorp, the Internet company headed by Barry Diller, is close to an agreement to acquire Ask Jeeves Inc., the nation's fourth-largest search engine company. By GERALDINE FABRIKANT. [NYT > Technology]

Novell announces small-business Linux bundle

Novell announces small-business Linux bundle. Package includes Suse Linux Enterprise Server, Novell Linux Desktop, GroupWise server software and eDirectory. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service]

Wordsmith Hipsters

Wordsmith Hipsters. Over three years ago, I wrote about seeing Erin McKean, lexicographess extraordinaire, speak at a local bookstore. Well, reading the NY Times today, I see that she's now editor-in-chief of the Oxford American Dictionary. At 33! And still very crush-worthy…. []


AJAX. I am playing with AJAX myself but I see many problems with AJAX as the next generation DHTML application platform. AJAX applications are more expensive to build, test, and update than traditional DHTML applications. Frankly, I am not even sure whether current crop of popular web browsers can support AJAX because they weren't built… Continue reading AJAX