Mass. job growth highest since ’00

Mass. job growth highest since ’00. Massachusetts bucked the national hiring slowdown in July as the state posted its biggest monthly job gains in nearly four years and manufacturing employment surged. [Boston Globe — Front Page]

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Well-designed products

Cooper Interaction Design: Well-designed products. A common affliction plaguing many of us interaction designers is the propensity to complain and kvetch about every piece of software on our computers, cell-phones and cars. And it's true–there is a lot of bad software out there. To offset this sometimes irritating tendency to critique and redesign everything we… Continue reading Well-designed products


Reuters. Kennedy — one of the most recognizable figures in American politics — told a Senate committee hearing on Thursday he had been blocked several times from boarding commercial airline flights because his name was on a “no-fly” list intended to exclude potential terrorists. [John Robb's Weblog]

Categorized as News

OneNote Virtual Printer PowerToy

OneNote Virtual Printer PowerToy. I love OneNote and have grown dependent on it. However, one of my biggest complaints has been the lack of a virtual printer. (See my previous article Three Missing Features in OneNote.) Unlike Windows Journal, GoBinder, or TabletPlanner, there's not been an easy way to get an external document into OneNote.… Continue reading OneNote Virtual Printer PowerToy

Tips for IA job hunters

Tips for IA job hunters. Michael Angeles has a boatload of excellent advice for information architects looking for work. If you’re in the market for an IA job, particularly if you’re new in the field, go read it now. Caroline Jarrett’s recent take on how not to get a job in usability has similar themes… Continue reading Tips for IA job hunters

IA Heuristics

IA Heuristics. Lou Rosenfeld offers up his set of heuristics for information architecture. Much more useful for evaluating findability than Jakob and Rolf’s original usability heuristics that were developed in DOS days. [ia/ blogs]

Knowledge at a bargain

Knowledge at a bargain. has lots of developer books at discounts of 40% and higher, much cheaper than Amazon. Not just “old junk”, but quality books like Fritz Onion's Essential ASP.NET for $25 and Jeffrey Richter's Applied .NET Framework Programming for $29. [Live @]

Resume Tips

Resume Tips. Noting this for myself, and any other IT folks who might be looking for something new. Jeremy Wright gathered up a bunch of resume tips. [Life of a one-man IT department]

Removing Spyware

Removing Spyware. A much more detailed article about removing spyware than any of the random bits of information I've talked about here. A good thing to keep handy, and pass around! Link via Lockergnome. [Life of a one-man IT department]

The right to bear toenail clippers

The right to bear toenail clippers. Over at De Novo, someone asks what would happen if they published all the security holes they saw. Liability for terrorist attack that exploits those holes? PG's answer (which I think you can sum up as “hardly”) notwithstanding, I have to admit… … in terms of airline flight security,… Continue reading The right to bear toenail clippers

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