Delphi Readers Choice Awards

Delphi Readers Choice Awards. Although I've flirted with other languages, all of my shareware applications (HomeSite, TopStyle, FeedDemon) were coded using Borland Delphi. One of the great things about Delphi is that there are so many excellent third-party components and tools available, many of which were just honored in Delphi Informant Magazine's 2004 Readers Choice… Continue reading Delphi Readers Choice Awards

history vs accesibility, one town's problem

history vs accesibility, one town's problem. Is removing a stacks wing to make a public library more accessible the same as turning a church into condos? A storm is brewing over the Amesbury Public Library in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners has kept a list of libraries around the state that have destroyed… Continue reading history vs accesibility, one town's problem

Intelligence Chief Without Power? Support Leaves Questions

Intelligence Chief Without Power? Support Leaves Questions. White House officials were vague about the authority a new intelligence chief would wield, raising doubts among some experts about the power of the new position. By ELISABETH BUMILLER. [The New York Times > Home Page]

Categorized as News

The Labor-Shortage Myth

The Labor-Shortage Myth. Want to feel extra cheerful about your career prospects? Take a look at recent pronouncements from the U.S. Census Bureau, the General Accounting Office, the National Bureau of Economic Research, and the Conference Board, all duly reported by a host of newspapers and magazines. “The Coming Job Boom,” proclaims Business 2.0 .… Continue reading The Labor-Shortage Myth

Peter Ent On Flex

Peter Ent On Flex. Peter Ent, a Boston based developer, has posted his thoughts on Flex, Flash, and JSP. If you are interested in Flex, this is worth reading: [Ben Forta's Blog]

The Gorge of Eternal Peril

The Gorge of Eternal Peril.  It's rare for any speaker to draw a standing ovation from the OSCON audience, but that's what David Rumsey did last week. And Rumsey isn't one of the heroes of open source software. He's a philanthropist who collects historical maps, scans them at high resolution, and publishes them on the… Continue reading The Gorge of Eternal Peril

The hospital of the future,Thailand

The hospital of the future,Thailand. While the American President outlines a plan for Electronic health records, “…The hospital of the future is here today, but it's not in the US; it's not even in Europe–it's in Thailand. Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok is an all-digital hospital, with one giant database containing everything from patients' billing to… Continue reading The hospital of the future,Thailand