North Chadderton School. North Chadderton School: 'Make no mistake, this wonderful phenomenon known as Open-Source, has enabled schools such as North Chadderton, to develop resources that would have taken years to put together, by traditional, html page-by-page, approach. It is now done by using a combination of PHP scripting and MySQL databases, again provided by… Continue reading North Chadderton School
Month: May 2003
Microsoft Admits Passport Security Flaw
Microsoft Admits Passport Security Flaw. Microsoft acknowledged a security flaw in its popular Internet Passport service that left 200 million consumer accounts vulnerable to hackers. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: Technology]
Gateway to Expand Line, Remodel Stores
Gateway to Expand Line, Remodel Stores. Gateway said it will vastly expand its offerings in consumer electronics and remodel its 192 stores this year. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: Technology]
PeopleSoft Decision is a Watershed Event for Linux
PeopleSoft Decision is a Watershed Event for Linux. PeopleSoft's announcement that it will port all of its apps to Linux marks a watershed for Linux. []
The Rising Cost of Patriot Act Compliance
The Rising Cost of Patriot Act Compliance. More unintended and expensive consequences from well-intentioned legislation raise the cost of doing business in an already tough market. []
Hey Tim
Hey Tim, I've been programming in a dynamic language since 1990, and I'd never turn back. And going dynamic is just the beginning. Add an integrated object store to the language and you really start flying. Don't forget cross-network scripting. Progress didn't stop just because so many went ga-ga over Ja-va. [Scripting News]
Jurors' web-surfing is a problem
Jurors' web-surfing is a problem. Not because they are wasting time, but because jurors are not supposed to independently investigate the case that is being presented to them. This month's Litigation News (an ABA publication) has a short blurb about the increasing incidence of jurors doing Internet research at home in multi-day trials. Why shouldn't… Continue reading Jurors' web-surfing is a problem
Matt update….
Matt update….. More about k-collector. A little bit of background about the k-collector client. k-collector client for Radio Userland is really a totally stripped down version of liveTopics. Out go tables of contents, local databases of topics, lots of macros, XFML, XTM and a raft of other stuff i'm like. What you end up with… Continue reading Matt update….
VW standard metadata format for reviews
VW standard metadata format for reviews. Alf Eaton has a proposal for a Reviews metadata format standard (I assume) based upon his totaly cool blaxm! tool. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=”” xmlns:dc=”” xmlns:rvw=””><rdf:Description rdf:about=”” dc:identifier=”ASIN:0156027321″ dc:type=”Text” dc:title=”Life of Pi” dc:creator=”Yann Martel” dc:publisher=”Harvest Books” dc:date=”2003-05″ rvw:reviewer=”HubLog” rvw:reviewerLocation=”” rvw:reviewTitle=”The review headline goes here” rvw:reviewDate=”2003-04-08″ rvw:rating=”7″ rvw:review=”The body of the review… Continue reading VW standard metadata format for reviews
ThreadsML. Here's some base case, first level of functionality set of goals for a ThreadsML deployment. Broadband Mechanics will contribute our on-line outliner – WebOutliner – while Steve Yost is working on making QuickTopic compatible. Like the process that Matt and Paolo followed with ENT and K-collector – we're hoping to put together a critical… Continue reading ThreadsML