Macromedia and Beyond

Macromedia and Beyond.  After eight years with Allaire and Macromedia, I've decided to move on. What a ride its been, and will no doubt continue to be.  . . .   But after eight-years of being deeply focused on the world of Internet application software platforms, I'm ready to move on. After this week, I'll be moving to a… Continue reading Macromedia and Beyond


Macromedia site revised: The Macromedia site has had a significant upgrade, moving more towards an interractive application than a set of static documents. There's still some news to come over the next week (the Designer & Developer Center has evolved into Macromedia DevNet, for instance), and we'll definitely be in shakedown mode on the new… Continue reading Untitled

Tim Higgins 802.11g Need To Know article

Tim Higgins 802.11g Need To Know article: Another extensively researched, well-written, extremely exhaustive account from Tim on 802.11g, this time running through issues with the current draft implementations, how interoperability among b and g devices works, and pitfalls. It's a detailed analysis that any network admin, CIO, and journalist should read!  [80211b News]

Exploring Tim Knip's Radio/Groove interop tool

Exploring Tim Knip's Radio/Groove interop tool. When you install Tim Knip's Groove/Radio interop tool you specify three tools in a shared space. First, a discussion tool whose items are sent to your blog. Second, a files tool whose contents are upstreamed. Third, another discussion tool that collects the RSS items fetched by your news aggregator.… Continue reading Exploring Tim Knip's Radio/Groove interop tool

The Register

The Register. Andrew Orlowski singles out three new applications — Tinderbox, Spring, and Net News Wire — that help OS X regain “some real forward momentum.” [Mark Bernstein]

Book Excerpt: HTTP: The Definitive Guide, Pt. 4

Book Excerpt: HTTP: The Definitive Guide, Pt. 4. HTTP headers convey a wide variety of information; including client/server configurations, document caching directives, proxy and security requests, etc. The conclusion of this excerpt series presents both the headers themselves and the information they contain. From O'Reilly. [WebReference News]

Gort, Klaatu Barada Nikto!

Gort, Klaatu Barada Nikto!. Gort is one of the best known cinematic robots and he's about to get a new lease on life. 20th Century Fox has been restoring The Day the Earth Stood Still as part of its film preservation program. The restored version will be released on DVD soon.  [Meerkat: An Open Wire… Continue reading Gort, Klaatu Barada Nikto!

Blawgistan Times

Law Blogs with useful information – I can't help noticing how much legal information is now freely available because of blogs.  The Blawgistan Times is a neatly presented compendium of information gathered from several different law blogs.  InterAlia has a steady stream of useful information for lawyers (RSS feed available).  Internet Tools For Lawyers is another great source… Continue reading Blawgistan Times