Rails File Uploading 101

Rails File Uploading 101. Mike Clark has put together a stunningly simple tutorial covering how to create a complete file uploading and image resizing system in mere minutes using Rick Olson's attachment_fu plugin. What impresses me the most is that he shows how attachment_fu can automatically store uploaded files on Amazon's S3 service with only… Continue reading Rails File Uploading 101

George W. Bush, Branding Guru?

George W. Bush, Branding Guru? Think brand guru, and what names come to mind? Theodore Levitt. David Ogilvy. Phil Kotler. Regis McKenna. But one brand guru is widely unrecognized — George W. Bush. Bush as brand guru? Bush occupies the White House. His historic role will be long be debated for initiating the war in… Continue reading George W. Bush, Branding Guru?

How to Defeat Brand Insurgents

How to Defeat Brand Insurgents The video of the Comcast technician asleep while on hold to his company’s technical support. The numerous online forums about Dell’s shoddy customer service. The broken screens on Apple’s Nano and poor battery life on early generations of iPod. The tax return errors of H&R Block. Wal-Mart’s labor policies. What… Continue reading How to Defeat Brand Insurgents

Proactive Customer Service

Proactive Customer Service. Business Week magazine this week has a cover story titled “Customer Service Champs.” The opening paragraph of that article highlights Southwest Airlines for their proactive customer service: Bob Emig was flying home … on Southwest Airlines … when an all-too-familiar travel nightmare began to unfold. After his airplane backed away from the… Continue reading Proactive Customer Service

Ghawar in decline?

Ghawar in decline?  Evidence is mounting that Saudi Arabia's Ghawar, the world's largest oil field (the king of kings…), is in decline. Here's some excellent analysis from Stuart Staniford on 2006 production data. Particularly telling is the rapid growth in new wells as production falls along a steady slope (a classic warning sign): The Oil… Continue reading Ghawar in decline?


Sorry for the long hiatus in posting.  Work has been fairly crazy lately and then I had some problems with Radio.