Congratulations, Mr. President!
Author: Vince Kimball
Ubuntu DVD burning problems
I’ve been having problems burning DVDs with Ubuntu 8.04 (the AMD64 version) for the past couple of weeks. I found the “all_generic_ide” fix online which seems to have fixed the problem when burning data DVDs from Brasero, but I’m still having problems burning isos from Gnome. Ubuntu sees the DVD burner as “ATAPI: HL-DT-STDVD+-RW GSA-H31N,… Continue reading Ubuntu DVD burning problems
Be careful buying ebooks from Apress
I was just trying to purchase “Pro Open Source Mail: Building an Enterprise Mail Solution” as an ebook from Apress. The price is quoted as $25 for the ebook but when I added it to my cart, I got a $34.99 charge. I looked at another book quoted at $20 for the ebook but when… Continue reading Be careful buying ebooks from Apress
Google Gears: No 64-bit version?
I’m disappointed to learn that “there are no plans for an official 64-bit version” of Google Gears. Makes it hard to use Google Gears with a 64-bit Linux. It’d also be nice if Google bothered to mention this in the system requirements, rather than burying the limitation in a discussion group. Update: apparently there are… Continue reading Google Gears: No 64-bit version?
Ubuntu 8.04 Questions
Upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04 has been less smooth than I’d like, but I do like the improvements in the new release. The Canonical partner repository for Ubuntu 8.04 is empty, except for the Opera browser. Why have a repository that is not maintained? The vmware-server packages in the repository for Ubuntu 7.10 haven’t been kept… Continue reading Ubuntu 8.04 Questions
Upgrading Ubuntu and Vmware
I’m looking for the best way to upgrade my Ubuntu 7.10 desktop with Vmware Server to the latest version. I’ll try to update this post with what I find out and try. I’m currently running the AMD64 flavor of Ubuntu 7.10 and Vmware Server 1.04 that I hand installed because there were no packages available… Continue reading Upgrading Ubuntu and Vmware
What Gordon Ramsay can teach software developers
In Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay does make-overs on failing restaurants and turns them into respectable enterprises through a combination of cuisine guidance, managerial pruning, and loads of swearing when things fail to meet his standards.It’s a fantastic show that gives grim insight to the scary state of affairs of the chosen spots, but it also… Continue reading What Gordon Ramsay can teach software developers
Starting to work with Aptana
I’m starting to work with the Aptana Studio IDE on my AMD64 Ubuntu Gutsy install. It seems to work as an Eclipse plugin.
Describing GTD
In a few sentences I walked her through the core of GTD: – Collect and download everything that’s got your attention, especially the stuff you’re holding on your mind. – Decide the very very next action you need to take on any of those. – Organize it into a few key buckets: a list of… Continue reading Describing GTD
Sorry about the lack of posts
Work has been crazy for the past couple of months. Hopefully things are returning to normal.