New Broadband Bill Introduced

New Broadband Bill Introduced.

C/Net reports that Congress on Thursday took another step toward overhauling telecommunications law to account for technologies like broadband Internet and voice over Internet Protocol.

The U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce committee released a 77-page staff working draft (PDF file) and is now calling for comments from interested parties. According to a press release, Rep. Joe Barton,
the Texas Republican who chairs the committee, has made the issue a
“top priority” and is hoping to have a bill introduced this fall.

Key provisions of the “staff discussion draft” include:

  • Creating a common regulatory definition for broadband
    transmission services that would cover DSL, cable modems and other
    broadband services.

  • Ensuring network neutrality to prevent broadband providers from blocking access to Internet content.

  • Providing a uniform regulatory framework for broadband, voice-over-IP and video services providers.

  • Developing a streamlined franchising process for broadband video providers.

. . . [Daily Wireless]

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