What do you get when you bring together a select group of
innovative, big-thinking people from the worlds of law, business,
technology, marketing, and consulting for a full day and ask them to
design the perfect professional service firm?
We call it LexThink! Chicago.
Innovate. On April 3, 2005, we will turn the Catalyst Ranch
space in downtown Chicago into laboratory space for a group of
innovators and thought leaders. We'll create and test ideas for
transforming the delivery of professional services, to better match the
needs of professionals and their clients alike. With a full day of
targeted presentations, small group discussions, collaborative
brainstorming and other exercises, we will will mix innovative business
practices with proven client service strategies and promising
technology applications to create the formula for the perfect
professional services firm. The focus of every conversation will be on
turning talk into action, and bold ideas into realities.
Motivate. Attendees will take away dozens of
practice-changing ideas while making many new friends. LexThink!
Chicago will be a chance to meet in person bloggers, authors and
speakers that have motivated and challenged us over the years. Spending
a day with this group will generate renewed energy and enthusiasm and
give you a new action list for making the changes you want in your
practice, your business and your life.
Activate. In too many cases, the surge of
enthusiasm from an inspirational conference drains away steadily as you
return to the real world. LexThink! Chicago is designed to create
extended relationships, with opportunities for structured feedback and
continuing discussions, social support, and ongoing motivation to
transform your practice. The collaborative experience will continue
with ongoing discussion groups, monthly conference calls and other ways
to connect with LexThink! alumni.
LexThink! Chicago is the brainchild of well-known lawyer bloggers Matthew Homann, Dennis Kennedy and Scheherazade Fowler,
who have been thinking (and blogging) about ways to make meaningful
changes in their professional practices. LexThink! Chicago grew out of
one of their brainstorming sessions and their own “what if” questions.
To permit meaningful participation, to generate the best
conversations, and to work within the limitations of the creative space
we've reserved, participation in the first LexThink! Chicago will be by
invitation-only. We’re limiting it to a select group of professional
service providers—lawyers, accountants, consultants, strategists,
coaches, technologists, marketers and entrepreneurs.
If you are interested — or know someone who might be — get in touch with us soon by e-mailing Matt Homann at homann@gmail.com.
We will send out the invitations before the end of December, so make
sure you let us know about your interest as soon as you can. We are
seeking sponsors for LexThink! Chicago and expect to set the
registration fee at less than $200 per attendee.
Many people always ask “Why?” There are also some who ask “Why not?” We’re the second kind. How about you?