10 must do tips to make your Windows PC more secure.
Computer Cops ran an article yesterday on '10 must do tips to make your Windows PC more secure '.
Here is the summary of that list of tips:
- Update your anti-virus software once a week and run a complete test.
- Install a firewall.
- Update your operating system with the latest patches every 2 weeks.
- Do not use Internet Explorer
- Be very careful where you give personal information out.
- Be very careful opening email attachments
- Ignore virus warning emails
- Use anti-spyware software
- Do not forward emails that claim something will happen if you send it to a certain number of people
- Backup up important files
Ok, Ok. It's a pretty dull list. We know all this. But if you could get
your grandma to actually DO THIS… it would be a start
[Dana Epp's ramblings at the Sanctuary]