Joyent Slingshot

Joyent Slingshot.

Introducing Joyent Slingshot

Joyent Slingshot allows
developers to deploy Rails applications that work the same online and
offline (with synchronization) and with drag into and out of the
application just like a standard desktop application. We have Joyent Connector
and a select group of third party applications working under Joyent
Slingshot. Joyent plans to have Slingshot available for general release
on both Windows and Macintosh OS X in late April, 2007. If you would
like to be considered for a spot an early release tester, please send
email to slingshot [at] You must be a Rails developer with
an application we believe would help us put the final polish on

Joyent Slingshot is a game changer.

framework is lightweight and customizable and allows Ruby on Rails
applications to run offline with a simple and transparent data
synchronization. You, the developer, make the decisions about exactly
how their apps runs, what synchronizes – not Joyent.

Slingshot enables Rails to break free of the browser. It breaks down
the wall between a Web application and a desktop application without
losing what makes a Web application great: the ability to rapidly
develop, deploy and update, now for desktop applications.

Slingshot allows Rails developers to easily create a hybrid Web/desktop
application with the experience a user expects from a normal desktop
application. Drag in and out of the Rails application for files, email,
iCal events, vCards, bookmarks (html files) to begin with. Before final
release, Joyent will be extending this to native filesystem integration
and native datastore for additional data-types.

How does Joyent Slingshot work?

provides a consistent and stable environment for a Rails application to
run off Windows and Macintosh OS X. We remove all dependencies and
conflicts with system binaries. Additionally, Joyent Slingshot allows
developers to customize their environment as they please. Install any
gems, plugins, binaries, whatever. We can handle it. Joyent Slingshot
is like a virtual machine for a Rails application to run on. Sweet. . . .   [Joyeur]

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