Fresh ideas for micro-iSVs

Fresh ideas for micro-iSVs. By Bob Walsh

One of the things you hear over and over in this business is how hard it is to find an idea to build a micro-ISV on. True! The great thing about ideas is that lots of people have them, and some do a really good job of explaining them, like Pamela Slim at Escape from Cubicle Nation. Pamela has a great post up today –Plastics, young man! How to use market trends in your quest for the perfect business – that is a gem sitting on the pavement of life for any developer still casting about for a focus.

Pamela has a great quote by Guy Kawasaki that’s worth the click and your attention in and by itself, but her coverage of Entrepreneur Magazine’s what’s hot for 2007 is great reading, as is that MSM’s predictions.   [MyMicroISV]

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