The IT Value Matrix

The IT Value Matrix.

Bruce MacEwen points to a fascinating approach to expressing IT value in business terms recently reported on by CIO magazine. Bruce also offers some great insights into the results of a project that led to something called “The IT Value Matrix.”

I simply recommend that you check out the IT Value Matrix and Bruce's post as an introduction to it.

I like Bruce's comments about the importance of expressing the value of IT projects and of discussing IT issues in general in business language. That's a topic I mention in almost every talk I give on legal technology topics. In fact, Denise Howell and I gave a presentation a while back that, while nominally about technology ROI and other business metrics, was in fact about how to use business language and firm culture to select, evaluate, advocate and move forward IT projects. It's a very important topic and Bruce provides an excellent introduction to the topic.

You might find the IT Value Matrix very valuable in your own planning, evaluations and discussions.

Highly recommended. []

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