2 ways to make RSS readers smarter. There's two significant features I've been wishing for in my beloved newsreader, NetNewsWire, and the emergence of this cool little ListMixer app will suffice as the prodding needed to toss them out to Brent and the boys upstairs.
1. Per-feed expirations
I'd love a little drop-down menu on the “New Subscription” window (that's also echoed as a section in the feed's “Info for…” window) that lets me select how long I want to subscribe to the feed. It might be pre-popped with, say, 3 months, but the options I'd include are (1 day | 1 week | 2 weeks | 1 month | 3 months | 6 months | 1 year | Forever). “But why?” you wonder aloud, “these RSS feeds, they are so wonderful!” . . .
2. Smarter Dinosaurs
NetNewsWire has an unobtrusive but super-helpful little section called Dinosaurs (Windows > Dinosaurs
which lets you display any feeds that havent seen any activity over a
period of time that you choose. Its a really neat way to weed out the
old cruft, but it is sort of tucked away and not particularly fancy.
Id be surprised if most NNW users even knew it was there (let alone
what it was for). . . .[43 Folders]