Dr. Contextlove or: “How I stopped worrying and learned to love iCal”�.
A favorite topic of GTDers is the contexts that we each choose to identify the times, tools, or locations by which a given task can or must be undertaken. This is a highly personalized decision, and Ive learned a lot from seeing how other people are doing it.
Since I see its been a while since Ive talked about how Im using contexts, heres an update that reflects how Im now using Kinkless GTD and iCal to keep things wrangled.
Contexts, enumerated
Its worth mentioning that a lot of my approach has been shaped by my move from Entourage to kGTD + iCal. While the actual contexts havent changed too much, the way I organize and think about them has evolved, as well see a bit later.
The context themselves, with a brief explanation, where its useful or non-obvious . . . [43 Folders]