What Are Some Good Ideas for Updating a Law Firm Website?

What Are Some Good Ideas for Updating a Law Firm Website?.

I just read some great ideas on updating law firm websites from Fred Faulkner, one of my favorite people to work with (especially after the two years or so we worked together on Law Practice Today). Fred knows his stuff – he's now the webmaster for the American Bar Association.

I recently got the chance to co-present with Fred (and Kevin O'Keefe – anyone else think that Kevin looks like Jack Bauer on 24 in his picture on his blog?) at BlawgThink, which was a lot of fun for me – and I learned a lot.

Fred has started a new column called “Faulkner's Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys” on LLRX.com.

This month's column is called “New Year's Resolution: Update Your Website.” It takes you through some great ideas for updating your website in the easy, moderate and difficult categories. Read the article and pass along a copy to your web designer. Great job, Fred. . . . [DennisKennedy.blog]

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