Sunrise: 37signals' CRM tool for small business is coming soon.
Hot on the heels of the ambiguous Campfire announcement, we want to be a little more specific about the other application were working on right now. Great progress is being made and we expect to show the product at the Getting Real Workshop in January.
Its called Sunrise.
Sunrise is a CRM-ish tool for small businesses. Were aiming to change the small business CRM market with Sunrise in the same way we changed the small business project management and collaboration market with Basecamp.
What exactly do we want to change? Well, from our vantage point the current CRM offerings for small business are 1. Too complex, 2. Too confusing, 3. Overkill, 4. Detached from the real experience of a small business (aka too enterprisey), and 5. Ugly. Were on the case.
So stay tuned for this one as well. [Signal vs. Noise]