Microsoft announces SSE

Microsoft announces SSE.

admit it, this is a day I thought would long to arrive – the day when
Microsoft would surprise me positively again (sans-Xbox 360, which is
impressive on its own). They have just announced SSE (Simple Sharing Extensions),
which is basically an implementation of two way item-sharing (think
bidirectional RSS). The goals of SSE, according to the specification
page, are:

  • To use RSS as the basis for item sharing
    – that is, the bi-directional, asynchronous replication of new and
    changed items amongst two or more cross-subscribed feeds.
  • To
    use OPML as the basis for outline sharing – that is, the
    bi-directional, asynchronous replication of outlines, such as RSS
    aggregators subscription lists

Dave Winer is excited about the announcement, and Mike points out
(quite spot-on too) that this can give birth to a series of new
applications and companies based on this kind of syndication /
subscription behaviors.

If you’re a hands-on RSS / XML developer, you should have a look at the SSE specification that Microsoft has made available – hold on to your seats – under a Creative Commons Share-Alike license. Two good moves, hands down.  

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