Tim O. on Web 2.0

Tim O. on Web 2.0. Well, the slide has been viewed more than 18,000 times so far, but here are some highlights in text: Tim O'Reilly, in summarizing a brainstorming session at Foo, lists the following attributes of a classic Web 2.0 company:  … [Seth's Blog]

Over 10,000 Writeboards created since yesterday's launch!

Over 10,000 Writeboards created since yesterday's launch!. We’re happy to report that more than 10,000 Writeboards were created since the launch yesterday. In celebration, we’ve launched HTML exports today to accompany the pure-text choice. And it’s not even all over. Before we leave Writeboard sit for a while, we got a few more things in… Continue reading Over 10,000 Writeboards created since yesterday's launch!

37signals named a key player in Ajax alongside Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, Tibco by Business 2.0

37signals named a key player in Ajax alongside Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, Tibco by Business 2.0. Business 2.0 just published a a feature called Seven Technologies That Change Everything with Ajax listed as number #1. In that write-up, the magazine names six companies as the key players: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, Tibco, and, guess who!,… Continue reading 37signals named a key player in Ajax alongside Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, Tibco by Business 2.0

The Zing in Zimbra

The Zing in Zimbra. By nat Rael and I had our first meeting of Web 2.0 with the folks from Zimbra. We'd seen them a month or so ago, and I've been speaking to them through the year, but it was good to catch up. In the last month they've been at the center of… Continue reading The Zing in Zimbra

The Secret Sauce of Writely

The Secret Sauce of Writely. By nat I spent a fun hour talking with Sam Schillace of Writely. We talked about the uptake (enormous) and different approaches to the idea of word processing on the web, but two things really stuck with me: platform and people. Every entrepreneur wants there to be a secret sauce… Continue reading The Secret Sauce of Writely

Working Together, Wherever They Are

Working Together, Wherever They Are. Networked computing is allowing workers to more efficiently nurture new ideas, new products and new ways to digitally automate all sorts of tasks. By STEVE LOHR. [NYT > Technology]

Miers and Palace Politics

Miers and Palace Politics A couple months ago, a historian told me that the Bush presidency has reverted into classic palace politics (right out of the 16th century). What this means is that the monarch doesn't get news that would cause him displeasure. Individuals are promoted because they please the monarch rather than on their… Continue reading Miers and Palace Politics