Vaccine offering '100% protection' against cervical cancer virus on way. THE world's first cancer vaccine, which is 100 per cent effective at preventing most kinds of cervical cancer, will be available by next year, an international drug firm announced yesterday. [The Scotsman]
Month: October 2005
Using Old Flu Against New Flu
Using Old Flu Against New Flu. The Spanish flu virus that killed millions back in 1918 has been reconstructed from scratch in the hope that it might help scientists develop an effective defense against the threat of future avian flu pandemics. [Wired News]
The MBA President Depletes His Capital
The MBA President Depletes His Capital. Bush has screwed up every area that compelled me to vote for him: national security, fiscal discipline, judicial appointments, reduced regulation, and governmental competence. His one minor achievement has been not to degrade the Oval Office by cavorting with interns. But he has done something that is more corrupting… Continue reading The MBA President Depletes His Capital
The Insecurity in Microsoft's Security News
The Insecurity in Microsoft's Security News. Last month's JupiterResearch report, “Microsoft's 2006 Product Strategy: What It Means for Partners and Competitors,” explains how the company is competing more with partners and offers dire predictions for suppliers of security software. Microsoft's overnight security announcements accentuate the partner threat identified in the report. Recap of the announcements:… Continue reading The Insecurity in Microsoft's Security News
Using Writeboard to collaborate on the text for our new book
Using Writeboard to collaborate on the text for our new book. Weve been using Writeboard to collaborate on our upcoming book about Getting Real. For our previous book (Defensive Design for the Web), we swapped Microsoft Word files back and forth. Even with the programs track changes functionality, things got messy and confusing. Writeboards been… Continue reading Using Writeboard to collaborate on the text for our new book
Guardian UK: Ben Hammersley on GTD and The David himself
Guardian UK: Ben Hammersley on GTD and The David himself. 43F confidant Ben Hammersley does a great piece on David Allen and GTD for todays Guardian UK. Terrific summary of why GTD works as well as some nice insight into Davids background (DA & I share an alma mater, you know). [43 Folders]
G.E. Commits to Dredging 43 Miles of Hudson River
G.E. Commits to Dredging 43 Miles of Hudson River. General Electric made a binding agreement to dredge the dangerous chemicals from the river in one of the largest and most expensive industrial cleanups in history. By ANTHONY DePALMA. [NYT > Home Page]
Achieving Energy Independence
Achieving Energy Independence. Everybody is in favor of America becoming independent of foreign sources of energy. Republicans say let's build up our energy sources at home; never mind environmental problems and global warming; it's more important to keep our economy strong. Democrats say protecting our environment and preventing global warming is more important than digging… Continue reading Achieving Energy Independence
Keep It Simple Stupid
Keep It Simple Stupid. # Today over beers with some of the Novell hackers I wrote a new session manager for GNOME. It goes like this: #!/bin/sh eval `ssh-agent` gnome-settings-daemon & gnome-panel & nautilus -n & beagled –bg & gnome-screensaver & exec metacity Login time on my machine, as measured with a stopwatch, has been… Continue reading Keep It Simple Stupid
Are you a Microsoft Partner and don't know your Support offerings?
Are you a Microsoft Partner and don't know your Support offerings?. How about some assistance with that presales question that has been keeping you up at night? Ever have a licensing question and tried to get a straight answer? Building boxes and could use some advice? Coding for your add-in and stuck? What about some… Continue reading Are you a Microsoft Partner and don't know your Support offerings?