Client-Driven Technology and the Cisco Model

Client-Driven Technology and the Cisco Model.

Jason Krause's new article “The Cisco Way
in the September ABA Journal is an absolute must-read for any regular
reader of this blog. I've written on a number of occasions about to what I like to call “client-driven technology.”

article will help you understand how clients to a far greater degree
than lawyers wiill change the legal profession, in technology and in
more fundamental and structural ways. I'm very confident in that
assessment and prediction.

However, I don't want to delay you in reading the article (it might be only available for about a month to non-subscribers).

Here's one of many possible money quotes from Mark Chandler, Laura Owen and others at Cisco quoted in the article:

the past you would say, 'I hope there's one firm big enough to do it
all for me,'” Chandler says. “Not anymore. Now technology lets you pick
and choose and bring together the best in each area.”

Give that quote some serious thought.   []

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