Cronyism Comes Home to Roost

Cronyism Comes Home to Roost.

the political fallout: taking center stage is Michael Brown, head of
FEMA — which is widely being lambasted for its handling of the New
Orleans disaster this week. Brown's job history, and the story of how
he got his current job, makes for interesting reading, as reporters fit
the pieces together. Here's one account on a political blog which pulls pieces from several media outlets.

Reports suggest that Brown got the job by being the college roommate
of the prior head of FEMA (who in turn, was a political fixer for the
Bush administration). Brown had essentially no experience with
emergency response, and in fact was fired from his previous job as head
of the International Arabian Horse Administration — a pressure cooker
of a job if there ever was one, and clearly the place to go headhunting
for emergency-response coordinators.  [Kevin Schofield's Weblog]

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