
Open. The second element of COFFEE Development is Open. The heart of open development is participating in the software community by using, supporting, and contributing shared code. Looking through the most simplistic lens possible, there are three basic approaches to development:… [Leave It Behind > Brian Bailey]

37 Signals gets marketing credit

37 Signals gets marketing credit. One of the software entrepreneurs that I really like is 37 Signals. They are doing everything right that I can see and it's nice to see they are getting the credit for that. These guys are outmarketing companies many times bigger than they are.  [Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

Physics of Passion: The Koolaid Point

Physics of Passion: The Koolaid Point. You don't really have passionate users until someone starts accusing them of “drinking the koolaid.” You might have happy users, even loyal users, but it's the truly passionate that piss off others enough to motivate them to say something…. [Creating Passionate Users]

I know something you don't

I know something you don't. Almost everybody loves to be the first to know something… or rather the first to reveal it to others. Whether it's a clever hack, a little-known easter egg, or a juicy bit of insider gossip. And nowhere is this… [Creating Passionate Users]

You could have 74 additional servers if you really wanted to….

You could have 74 additional servers if you really wanted to….. Once again, let's get the  misconceptions about the SBS platform blown away tonight shall we? No… SBS 2003 does not have to be the ONLY server on the Subnet. It DOES have to be the PRIMARY domain controller and hold the FSMO roles.. however… Continue reading You could have 74 additional servers if you really wanted to….

The importance of having a designer on staff

The importance of having a designer on staff. A significant percentage of the clients we’ve worked with in the past 6 years have healthy engineering teams in-house, but they lack a single designer. Flush with programmers, devoid of designers. That’s not a healthy ratio. The interface is the product. It’s the touchpoint between you and… Continue reading The importance of having a designer on staff