Strongspace: Secure file storage by TextDrive

Strongspace: Secure file storage by TextDrive.

Strongspace is a smashing new Rails-powered service from TextDrive. Their pick-up line goes as follows:

Strongspace is a secure place to gather, store, back-up and
share any type of file with your co-workers, friends and family. You
can upload, download and manage your files over SFTP (Secure FTP) or with any modern web browser.

a place in the sky without all the overhead of maintaining a real
hosting environment for it. Just targeted space at great prices. They
start at $8/month for 4 gigabytes of space. It’s a perfect fit for
Basecamp space too. They even have a movie showing how easy it is to setup your Basecamp account to use Strongspace.

application itself is also wonderfully designed and delivered by the
Rails’ team at TextDrive consisting of Michael Koziarski, Marten
Veldthuis, Johan Sörensen, and Justin French. Congratulations on the
launch, guys.  [Riding Rails]

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