SEO professional style, from Danny Sullivan himself

SEO professional style, from Danny Sullivan himself.

comments are down. I still haven't moved to the new server, but gotta
wait until next week. Anyway, Danny Sullivan just wrote me this. OK,
OK, Maryam, I'm coming, just one more post! Heh.

Tried to post the below as comments, but the connection refused:

Robert, the first thing in SEO isn't changing title tags and getting
links, though that's good advice (telling them to dump the images for
actual text on the home page is good, as well).

The first rule of SEO is know your message — IE, how are
people searching for you. Is anyone actually searching for “silicon
valley law firm.” Computer says no. Or at least Yahoo's keyword
research term says no. Check it out here:

In contrast, I see nearly 7,000 people searching for
“intellectual property law” and 700 specifically looking for a firm
that does this.
Since the firm serves both US and international markets, getting top
ranked for “silicon valley” isn't exactly the key selling point.

If they are going geographically, san jose law firm pulls in nearly 400 queries per month.

I know, that's not SEO, blogger-style. It's SEO, SEO professional style

Don't know who Danny Sullivan is? He's the SEO Guru who does the excellent SearchEngineWatch.  [Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

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