A peek at the additional Ajaxing coming in 0.11.2

A peek at the additional Ajaxing coming in 0.11.2.

The pursuit of Ajax nirvana with Rails is marching ahead with breath-taking haste. Thomas Fuchs has compiled a demonstration page of all the effects that we’ve added to the package. Web applications are soon going to be hot on the heels of the GUI goodness we’ve grown accustomed to with OS X.

But not content to show of the effects, Thomas has also recorded two impressive movies demoing the upcoming support for both auto-completion form fields and for an upload progress bar (which he has been working on together with Sean Treadway).

has been a driving force behind most of the new effects and the two
fantastically cool abstractions of complete approaches. Are you looking
to hire someone to inject the good mood of Ajax into your application?
Then Thomas is at the forefront of that pack.

Read more from him on his weblog mir.aculo.us.  [Riding Rails]

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