Modeling User Workflows for Rich Internet Applications

Modeling User Workflows for Rich Internet Applications.

David Hogue has put up a brilliant explanation and tutorial on how to build improved work flows using Flex. It's all brilliant and totally right on. And it's typified by what Laszlo Systems user interfaces were doing two years before Flex.

But that's spilt milk now. Just when you read the article – imagine
this little startup company – kicking ass – showing Macromedia – my
former company – how it's done.

Macromedia WISHES they had the innovation, spunk and brilliance of
Laszlo. This article crystalizes that for me – the h fight that we're
up against. No matter what Laszlo does – Macromedia can throw 10 times
more resources and money at it.

So Laszlo went open source. Now we get to see what Macromedia does.

But please DO read this article.
It'll teach yah something about how RIAs save money, improve
communciation and efficientcy and create compelling end-user

Everything RIAs solve is exactly why I hated HTML – from the day I
learned it. All that round-trip session nonsense has kept user
interfaces back – for years now.

Hopefully Flex and Laszlo can put an end to the nightmare that is
called 'web design'. BTW Laszlo had more than 50,000 downloads last
year – most coming after their October announcement of going open

2005 is gonna be an icnredible year for Laszlo. You just watch. One hint: email client.  [Marc's Voice]

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