Startup Monitor

Startup Monitor. Real Player is evil, it seems. I actually like and use Real Player every day – both on my Windows box and on Linux. I love the new TiVo-like capabilities of the newest player, and the fact that it's supported by a bunch of different websites so I pretty much don't ever have… Continue reading Startup Monitor

Can I Market MY Law Practice With Both Hands Tied Behind My Back? In Missouri, I May Have to

Can I Market MY Law Practice With Both Hands Tied Behind My Back? In Missouri, I May Have to. Missouri's newly proposed revisions to the rules for lawyers wanting to advertise, market or solicit potential clients have been released for comments. Comments are due by the end of August. I discuss the proposed rules in… Continue reading Can I Market MY Law Practice With Both Hands Tied Behind My Back? In Missouri, I May Have to

FirstOnScene, the 10-second Forensic Data Gathering Tool

FirstOnScene, the 10-second Forensic Data Gathering Tool. bmonday announced that he has released a script called FirstOnScene which basically will take a working forensic snapshot of a Windows system within 10 seconds. Basically he has written a visual basic script wrapper of some of the more common tools from guys like SysInternals and Foundstone. I… Continue reading FirstOnScene, the 10-second Forensic Data Gathering Tool

Jeffrey Veen teaches us about user experience

Jeffrey Veen teaches us about user experience. Jeffrey Veen: User experience is more than design. Jeffrey nailed where product planners/marketers go wrong. Having a great list of features doesn't matter if you don't nail the one “killer feature.” In the iPod's case it's getting music onto the iPod in the first place, since it ships… Continue reading Jeffrey Veen teaches us about user experience

Colonoscopies tax health industry

Colonoscopies tax health industry. Since medical specialists recommended widespread testing of healthy adults for colon cancer, hundreds of thousands have queued up for colonoscopies. [Boston Globe — Front Page]

Delegates saw, spent little, says survey

Delegates saw, spent little, says survey. They're gone now, scattered back to tiny villages in Kentucky and Alabama and the glass-and-chrome canyons of New York and Chicago. And they've taken with them a slender memory of Boston, a city most did not explore. [Boston Globe — Front Page]

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