Free Microsoft Small Business Guide to Security

Free Microsoft Small Business Guide to Security. Thanks to a tip from The Office Weblog, I'll probably be spending part of my day reading this document (PDF) and seeing what sort of things I can pick up. [Life of a one-man IT department]

New: FileMaker Work Requests

New: FileMaker Work Requests. FileMaker, Inc. released FileMaker Work Requests, an application for creating, tracking, and reporting on work orders. [MacInTouch]

321 Studios Shuts Its Doors

321 Studios Shuts Its Doors. The software company, which had argued that movie fans have a right to back up their DVDs, couldn't afford to fight the deep pockets of the Hollywood studios. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]

What, Me Register?

What, Me Register?. News sites that require registration are just annoying their readers. As a result, many users get revenge by submitting bogus information. So why not drop the charade? Commentary by Adam L. Penenberg. [Wired News]

Microsoft Exchange Assistance Center Launched

Microsoft Exchange Assistance Center Launched. There is an updated portal in TechNet on the Microsoft website called the Microsoft Exchange Server Assistance Center. With a clean look, Exchange-specific RSS feeds, and random profiles of Exchange Server MVPs, it is surely a mandatory bookmark site for every Exchange administrator. [MS Exchange Blog]

Want Affordable E-Commerce? Check out Site Build It

Want Affordable E-Commerce? Check out Site Build It. Looking for affordable E-Commerce? Then check out Site Build It (SBI). Template driven, SBI shows users how to build a web site with high quality content, coupled with affiliate advertising, rather than just a straight product site. By Nathan Segal.  [WebReference News]

Throwing Tables out the Window

Throwing Tables out the Window. Last week Stopdesign's Douglas Bowman posted this great article about redesigning Microsoft's site using tableless layout. [Nick Bradbury]