A knowledge profile records skills, tools, practices and social
networks, it highlights competencies, identifies gaps, helps with
learning programs to address deficits, realize opportunities and
heighten awareness for the owner and colleagues.
KPs may focus on the individual where they form a key part of your
personal knowledge management (PKM) system or aimed at a 'collective'
view of a team, group, community or firm. Profiles may be constructed
via manual or automatic means, highly structured or very informal,
maintained by the end-user or compiled from test batteries and
questionnaires by expertise profilers and competency specialists.
A knowledge profile goes beyond determining information needs,
guiding information seeking behavior and considers the adoption and use
of tools, the condition and functioning of (personal) social networks
and learning desires.
Successful KPs focus on the future, they reflect current skills
& activities above past positions, awards and educational
achievements, providing some indication of where & how the person
can best contribute to organizational and team goals.
Knowledge profiles are often a key element in knowledge mapping,
knowledge audits, CRM and play an increasing role in advanced search,
expertise location, agent based work assignments, customer selling
strategies and portal user-interfaces.
Related information is found in yellowpages, expertise directories
and academic resumes, but the knowledge profile is distinguished by a
list and evaluation of relationships (promotes flow), preferences &
proficiencies with communication systems / tools and applicable tacit
knowledge strengths.
Mick Cope offers this personal kprofile tool and Paul Towlson a brief summary of the value and role of kprofiles in KM strategy. [Knowledge-at-work]