Roy Tennant's Book

Roy Tennant's Book.

I just finished Roy Tennant's latest book, Managing the Digital Library. I wish I had this book 3 years ago when I started my career in e-Services.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough to anyone in e-Services,
library technology, library web services, or systems. Or, heck, anyone
even considering entering any of these niche areas of librarianship.
Tennant covers everything…I can't think of a single thing he missed. His thirteen chapters touch on everything I do on a day to day basis.

My absolute favorite section is in the “Organization & Staffing” chapter, where he discusses honoring technical staff:

Techies should be honored for their
contributions, whether they have MLS degrees or not, but those who have
both an MLS and technical skill are even more valuable, since they
bring a knowledge of the librarian's profession. They are few in
number, and we should do all we can to encourage and support our
existing professional staff to expand their technical experience and

Right on Roy. [LibrarianInBlack]

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