I finished reading Free Prize Inside by Seth Godin.
I don't usually enjoy reading marketing books. For that matter, I
don't usually enjoy business books in general. This one I enjoyed, like
many other people. I think I enjoyed it for different reasons though.
Seth is a very creative guy. The book is full of very creative
ideas, and gives some useful hints as to how to come up with more
creative ideas — mostly through lateral thinking, which is a very
effective and highly underutilized technique.
But by far the most valuable part of the book is where Seth
describes how to be a champion. He rightly points out that most good
ideas wither for lack of a true champion, and then he gives a great
overview and specific guidelines for how to become one. The book is
worth buying and reading for that part alone.
It's a fun read, and fun packaging (it comes in a cereal box). And yes, there's a free prize inside. [Kevin Schofield's Weblog]