How do you know you have a great product? When your customers write testimonials for free

How do you know you have a great product? When your customers write testimonials for free.

Click on “About” on Michael Hyatt's blog: I am the President and Chief Operating Officer of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest Christian publishing company in the world and the ninth largest publishing company of any kind. Our company is publically-traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TNM. I have worked at the company for a total of eight years.

Wait a second. Did we just get one of the best advertisements I've ever seen for the Tablet PC by the CEO of the ninth-largest publishing company of any kind in the world? For free? Without asking for it?

I'm talking to a group of PR and marketing types on Wednesday (thanks to Steve Rubel). I gotta add this to my talk. How do you know if you have a great product? When your customers start writing advertising for you for free. Dang, did I just write another half a chapter for the Church of the Customer's next book?  [Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

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