Cut the Bull, There's More Than Longhorn.

Mary Jo Foley

Cut the Bull, There's More Than Longhorn.

Mary Jo Foley takes the Windows client team to task about new releases of Windows. Some of which–like XP SP2–will be released as patches:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The Windows client team needs to stop the waffling and the double speak. It's just not true that there are no Windows releases between now and Longhorn. In fact, there are at least five or six new versions on tap.

The client team has insisted that it hasn't wanted to say too much because plans are in flux. The Windows XP Reloaded marketing campaign is a work in progress. Blah-blah-blah…. But this doesn't really wash, as most of the Windows releases I mentioned above have been on the drawing board for months, if not years.

[Craig Burton: logs, links, life, and lexicon]

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