Knowledge Management as a Business Imperative

Knowledge Management as a Business Imperative.  Lawyer, management consultant and author of “Knowledge Management and the Smarter Lawyer,” Gretta Rusanow has an article on knowledge management and law firms.  [Netlawblog]

New Radio UserLand tool: Workbench.root

New Radio UserLand tool: Workbench.root. Rogers Cadenhead has released a new tool called Cadenhead.root: “I have released the first beta version of Workbench.root, a Radio UserLand tool offering simple scripts that extend the functionality of the software: My goal is to offer a bunch of scripts that Radio UserLand users of all skill levels can… Continue reading New Radio UserLand tool: Workbench.root

What can we learn from China's success?

What can we learn from China's success?. A couple of items.  The rapidly rising trade gap due Chinese outsourcing vastly overshadows offshoring of service jobs to India (there is a gap in perception). Second, China currently runs only a slight trade surplus with the rest of the world, which indicates that its currency is fairly valued (although a… Continue reading What can we learn from China's success?

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Centralizing the Internet??

Centralizing the Internet??. CNet.  The long-awaited proposal, submitted to the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday, has been crafted so broadly that it would outlaw the introduction of new broadband services that did not support ready wiretapping access. Companies currently offering broadband would be given 15 months to comply. Basically, CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement… Continue reading Centralizing the Internet??

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Yukon, Whidbey Delays

Yukon, Whidbey Delays. Today, several news sites reported that Microsoft had pushed release of the next versions of SQL Server (Yukon) and Visual Studio .Net (Whidbey) until next year. I wouldn’t be surprised if Yukon or Whidbey shipped next year or even 2006 … [Microsoft Monitor]

Simple Security

Simple Security. In his weekly column (here; subscription required), Wall Street Journal veteran technology columnist Walt Mossberg rightly pushes back on software and hardware vendors to make security protection simple. Not, simpler. Simple. I’ve been making a similar argument for some time, too, but Mr. Mossberg hits on an important point about security warnings that warrants… Continue reading Simple Security

Fresh from the department of says-it-all

Fresh from the department of says-it-all.  Fresh from the department of says-it-all. “The government's top expert on Medicare costs was warned that he would be fired if he told key lawmakers about a series of Bush administration cost estimates that could have torpedoed congressional passage of the White House-backed Medicare prescription-drug plan.” That's the lead… Continue reading Fresh from the department of says-it-all

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The value of component resellers

The value of component resellers. Mike Schinkel, founder of (VB)Xtras, has a blog, and his first postings are quite interesting (and long).  When VBxtas was founded, resellers were a very important part of our customers: Their printed catalogs provided one of the few ways for us to directly reach developers. The other way was through print… Continue reading The value of component resellers

LA Times

LA Times via Yahoo News – 7,000 Orange County Voters Were Given Bad Ballots. Poll workers struggling with a new electronic voting system in last week's election gave thousands of Orange County voters the wrong ballots, according to a Times analysis of election records. In 21 precincts where the problem was most acute, there were… Continue reading LA Times

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