E-lawyering in the UK

E-lawyering in the UK. Do the math. My calculations say that there is a market for the online delivery of basic legal services. [DennisKennedy.blog]

“I weep for my country”

“I weep for my country”. W. Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd speaking yesterday on The Arrogance of Power: We flaunt our superpower status with arrogance. We treat UN Security Council members like ingrates who offend our princely dignity by lifting their heads from the carpet. Valuable alliances are split. After war has ended, the United States… Continue reading “I weep for my country”

Cisco acquires Linksys for $500M

Cisco acquires Linksys for $500M: This acquisition is a clear win for Cisco, which can sell up and down the horizontal chain to consumers (which they've never really sold to directly, only through partners like DSL providers), small businesses, and their traditional enterprise market.  [80211b News]

Why It's Time to Take a Risk

Why It's Time to Take a Risk. A good article from Business 2.0 that addresses the downside of the current trend toward retrenchment… [Erehwon Notebook]

In Philadelphia, the United way is unwiring neighborhoods

In Philadelphia, the United way is unwiring neighborhoods. “The long-term plan is to have a wireless coverage blanket in neighborhoods where people probably couldn't afford the service on their own,” said Stephen Rockwell, director of technology outreach for the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania. The plan's purpose, he said, is to give some of the… Continue reading In Philadelphia, the United way is unwiring neighborhoods

Jon Udell's LibraryLookup Bookmarklets

I think Jon Udell's LibraryLookup Bookmarklets represent a good example of “Smart Tag”-like technology that is done in a cooperative and non-intrusive way.  Jon Udell's LibraryLookup also puts the lie to Charles Cooper's news.com piece claiming that IE dominance has thwarted innovation.  Jon proved that one guy can extend the browser to do something very… Continue reading Jon Udell's LibraryLookup Bookmarklets

Tips for attending conferences

Tips for attending conferences. On the run-up to the IA Summit, and conference season in general the ever clever Scott Berkun has set pen to paper to give us How to get the most out of conferences Of particular note to conference organizers, and especially academic/research conferences – the most value is in networked, informal,… Continue reading Tips for attending conferences

When Your Future's at Stake…

When Your Future's at Stake….  That was Brobeck's tag line, part of its much-talked about but under-analyzed branding strategy. Until now, that is. Deborah McMurray, one of my co-authors on the cleverly titled The Lawyer's Guide to Marketing on the Internet, dissects Brobeck's brand and the repercussions of its dissolution on the blog devoted to our… Continue reading When Your Future's at Stake…