Nigel Ballard

Frequent correspondent Nigel Ballard reports some remarkable results with the new firmware installed. I set up a bridged wireless Ethernet link through three solid walls (150 feet) using a pair of the Buffalo WBR-G54 radio's. I'm passing a Mitel VoIP phone, a 300K video stream, a 75Mb backup file transfer and randomly checking three Email… Continue reading Nigel Ballard

Time Warner Cable co-markets broadband wireless

Time Warner Cable co-markets broadband wireless: SkyRiver Communications dropped me a line today to let me know that they had worked out what I think is a unique arrangement. Time Warner Cable will market SkyRiver's broadband wireless services in the San Diego County area market (300 square miles) that they serve alongside their cable and… Continue reading Time Warner Cable co-markets broadband wireless

The Corporate Weblog Manifesto.

Thinking of doing a weblog about your product or your company? Here's my ideas of things to consider before you start.

1) Tell the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth. If your competitor has a product that's better than yours, link to it. You might as well. We'll find it anyway.

2) Post fast on good news or bad. Someone say something bad about your product? Link to it — before the second or third site does — and answer its claims as best you can. Same if something good comes out about you. It's all about building long-term trust. The trick to building trust is to show up! If people are saying things about your product and you don't answer them, that distrust builds. Plus, if people are saying good things about your product, why not help Google find those pages as well?

3) Use a human voice. Don't get corporate lawyers and PR professionals to cleanse your speech. We can tell, believe me. Plus, you'll be too slow. If you're the last one to post, the joke is on you!

4) Make sure you support the latest software/web/human standards. If you don't know what the W3C is, find out. If you don't know what RSS feeds are, find out. If you don't know what is, find out. If you don't know how Google works, find out.

5) Have a thick skin. Even if you have Bill Gates' favorite product

The Corporate Weblog Manifesto. Thinking of doing a weblog about your product or your company? Here's my ideas of things to consider before you start. 1) Tell the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth. If your competitor has a product that's better than yours, link to it. You might as well. We'll find… Continue reading

The Corporate Weblog Manifesto.

Thinking of doing a weblog about your product or your company? Here's my ideas of things to consider before you start.

1) Tell the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth. If your competitor has a product that's better than yours, link to it. You might as well. We'll find it anyway.

2) Post fast on good news or bad. Someone say something bad about your product? Link to it — before the second or third site does — and answer its claims as best you can. Same if something good comes out about you. It's all about building long-term trust. The trick to building trust is to show up! If people are saying things about your product and you don't answer them, that distrust builds. Plus, if people are saying good things about your product, why not help Google find those pages as well?

3) Use a human voice. Don't get corporate lawyers and PR professionals to cleanse your speech. We can tell, believe me. Plus, you'll be too slow. If you're the last one to post, the joke is on you!

4) Make sure you support the latest software/web/human standards. If you don't know what the W3C is, find out. If you don't know what RSS feeds are, find out. If you don't know what is, find out. If you don't know how Google works, find out.

5) Have a thick skin. Even if you have Bill Gates' favorite product

Archbishop of Canterbury Is Enthroned

Archbishop of Canterbury Is Enthroned. CANTERBURY, England, Feb. 27 With its narrow lanes, Roman ruins, timbered pubs named for friars and pilgrims and its namesake tales, Canterbury is a place of lasting antiquity. Today it turned its sturdy ancient face to a lively, if less certain, future. By Warren Hoge. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

Librarians Towards the Top of the Information Technology Food Chain!

Librarians Towards the Top of the Information Technology Food Chain!. Blog Publishers Stealing Web Limelight “Dave Winer, a pioneering Silicon Valley-based software programmer who is widely credited with spearheading the self-publishing movement, sees blogging following a well-worn path into the mainstream. 'At first the geeks go for a new information technology. It is required for… Continue reading Librarians Towards the Top of the Information Technology Food Chain!

Preparing for Computer Disasters

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Preparing for Computer Disasters. Most colleges have some sort of plan to protect their computer information, although few have faced the kind of disaster that would demonstrate whether those plans actually worked. Experts say staging a mock computer disaster can highlight a preparedness plan's shortcomings, but such tests happen only… Continue reading Preparing for Computer Disasters

How do you know who you know?

How do you know who you know?. Knowledge Management, or KM as it is often called, seeks to address the problem of managing knowledge in an organization.  There is a lot of knowledge inside the heads and documents of people that work in an organizations. The question is how to tap into that knowledge. Similarly,… Continue reading How do you know who you know?