An Innovative Experiment!

An Innovative Experiment!.  Even in its currently somewhat foggy state, little mind bombs are going off in my head over Jon Udell's Library Services Experiment. “Jenny's comment about my library adventure got me thinking. In particular, I was curious about the Innovative system used both by her library and mine. For North America, I found… Continue reading An Innovative Experiment!

Jon's Radio – Taxonomy Creation and Maintenance

Jon's Radio – Taxonomy Creation and Maintenance. Quote: “These things are, as I said, always trickier than you expect. Content management systems try to make reasonable assumptions about the display of time-ordered and categorized data, but when the relationships between those two evolve, as they inevitably do, assumptions break down. Tools that would make it… Continue reading Jon's Radio – Taxonomy Creation and Maintenance

Ten taxonomy myths

Ten taxonomy myths. Quote: “Taxonomies have recently emerged from the quiet backwaters of biology, book indexing, and library science into the corporate limelight. They are supposed to be the silver bullets that will help users find the needle in the intranet haystack, reduce “friction” in electronic commerce, facilitate scientific research, and promote global collaboration. But… Continue reading Ten taxonomy myths

Ten Tips on Building Communities of Practice

Ten Tips on Building Communities of Practice. Quote: “First, we have identified 10 actions items to create a successful Community of Practice. There are 10 fundamental questions you need to ask before starting a CoP” Comment:via George Siemens – excellent [Serious Instructional Technology]

Wi-Fi year in review

Wi-Fi year in review: The Seattle Times runs through the major Wi-Fi stories of 2002 in a concise and interesting fashion, hitting the high points and telling the business story behind them.  [80211b News]

Nation: Nat Hentoff: We'll All Be Under Surveillance

The Village Voice: Nation: Nat Hentoff: We'll All Be Under Surveillance. Without any official public notice, and without any congressional hearings, the Bush administration–with an initial appropriation of $200 million–is constructing the Total Information Awareness System. It will extensively mine government and commercial data banks, enabling the FBI, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies to… Continue reading Nation: Nat Hentoff: We'll All Be Under Surveillance

Library Usability

Library Usability. – “People use libraries in many different ways, for many different purposes. Making libraries more usable means helping people successfully acheive their goals and complete their tasks in the most efficient and effective way possible. “ is a clearinghouse of sorts, and a forum. It is a place to share knowledge, skill, and… Continue reading Library Usability

Fire destroys librarian's work

Fire destroys librarian's work. – “A librarian who worked for 20 years on a collection of books and journals which was destroyed in Edinburgh's Old Town blaze has spoken of her “despair” at the loss. Olga Franks is employed by the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and has helped collate the department's… Continue reading Fire destroys librarian's work

Net Library – The Sequel

Net Library – The Sequel. – “In a 30,000-square-foot, sun-flooded office building in Boulder, 63 employees work on leading-edge technology as part of a growing cog in a large corporate wheel.” “It's an exciting place for a technology startup to be — but netLibrary's story is a bit more complicated than that.” “NetLibrary's survived bankruptcy,… Continue reading Net Library – The Sequel

MM site

Dreamweaver MX 6.1 update released – In all the excitement of the Contribute and DRK2 Launches, I did not explicitly mention that the bug fix for DMX is in fact avaliable from the MM site. The update fixes a number of bugs. In what I think is utterly counterintuitive though, this update is called the… Continue reading MM site