Designing for the Bottom Line

Designing for the Bottom Line. In today's cooled-down economic climate … managers are asking tougher questions about the return on investment (ROI) of Web initiatives… [xBlog: Visual thinking linking | XPLANE]

Radio UserLand for Webloggers

Radio UserLand for Webloggers.   This is a basic start-up guide for new users that Scoble and I wrote.   When I get the time, I will expand it. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

Philips moves to put 'poison' label on protected audio CDs

The Register: Philips moves to put 'poison' label on protected audio CDs. Netherlands giant Philips Electronics has lobbed a grenade into the audio copy protection arena by insisting that that CDs including anti-copying technology should bear what is effectively a plague warning. They should in Philips' view clearly inform users that they are copy-protected… [Tomalak's… Continue reading Philips moves to put 'poison' label on protected audio CDs

The Power of Smart Design

Business Week: The Power of Smart Design. Dennis Boyle, senior design engineer at IDEO. His mission: To make high-tech simple. “People don't want to read a manual. They don't want something confusing that makes them look dumb,” he says. “What regular people want is a product that does a few things really well.” [Tomalak's Realm]

Gopher Returns

Gopher Returns. Gopher is 10 years old. The University of Minnesota GPLed the source, and a new version of the server and client, the Furry Terror release, have been released. [More Like This WebLog]


Lance's commonplace book points to the decline of Andersen's brand.  With two partners at every board meeting Enron had, it's clear they were a huge part of the problem.  Wall Street looks to auditors for one thing only:  integrity (less whether they were right or wrong, but that they approached the problems they uncovered from… Continue reading Lance

The Chronicle: Video-Conferencing

The Chronicle: Video-Conferencing. Quote: “In the world of public policy, American University and Cleveland State University are separated by more than a few hundred miles: Public-policy students at American usually train for careers in the federal government, while most of their Cleveland State peers plan to work on local or state levels. Using videoconferencing technology,… Continue reading The Chronicle: Video-Conferencing

Extreme Programming vs. Interaction Design

Extreme Programming vs. Interaction Design. Quote: “Kent Beck is known as the father of “extreme programming,” a process created to help developers design and build software that effectively meets user expectations. Alan Cooper is the prime proponent of interaction design, a process with similar goals but different methodology. We brought these two visionaries together to… Continue reading Extreme Programming vs. Interaction Design

McGee's Musings

McGee's Musings. Quote: “To a large extent Beck and Cooper spend most of their time in this conversation talking past each other. Cooper nails the design problem when he points out that we don't have anyone operating in the role that a real-world architect adopts in bridging between the vague and ill-formed needs of a… Continue reading McGee's Musings